Extraordinary starts where the comfort zone ends…
Our goals excite us, make us a little nervous, and if they’re ambitious, force us to do things we haven’t done before in order to achieve them.
That space where we do things we haven’t done before is outside of our comfort zone – the space where we believe extraordinary lives.
It’s easy to say, but less easy to do (which is pretty obvious given it’s not in our comfort zone…).
Operating in this space on a daily basis requires planning and conscious effort – but it doesn’t need to take long…
My morning ritual sets up my day to focus on what’s important. Part of that is an activity that gets me in a mindset to spend time outside of my comfort zone each day. It’s a simple activity, but a valuable one.
I ask myself three questions in the morning:
1. What’s important to me today?
2. Why is this important and what impact does it have in my life / work / other? What will be different?
3. What is one act of courage (ie something that’s out of my comfort zone) that I need to do today to move me toward what’s important?
In the evening, I spend 10-15 minutes reflecting on my day and ask myself another three questions:
1. How did I go with my act of courage today?
2. What did I learn – about myself, about the action, about my comfort zone?
3. Did I get closer to what’s important to me?
The only way we get what we want and what’s important to us, is by taking consistent action – and that’s what the daily act of courage is all about.
One step, beyond the comfort zone, each day, toward our goals.
Commit to this for a week and you’ll see a change.
(Daily check list below to print out or download)
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Print out or download to keep you on track