Build the kind of self-confidence that sets you up for success, sets you apart from others, and allows you to communicate with clarity about who YOU are.
Join our free hands-on Masterclass on Thursday 19th May at 8:30 am (Sydney time).
This masterclass is designed for those ambitious executives and leaders among you who find that sometimes, even though you have faith in what you can do and what you’ve achieved, find yourselves in moments of:
shaky self-confidence,
and where everyone else at the table seems far more skilled/experienced/qualified to have an opinion or input.
We’ll be focused on clarity in this masterclass – clarity to your:
✅ Point of View - Using Values-Based Outcomes you’ll clarify what’s important to you and how your point of view shapes how you engage with the people and opportunities around you
✅ Value – Working through the Confidence Model you’ll identify what’s unique about you. What makes this compelling is that it doesn’t matter how you feel about yourself, this work focuses on objective elements of value – those things that are based on fact and cannot be shaken, disputed, or taken away from you
✅ Personal Elevator Pitch - Your “Who I Am” statement – the bit that pulls your POV and your Value together. A statement you can use time and again, with any stakeholder, in just about any forum that will not only have your audience sit up and take notice, but will give you the confidence to stand up, to use your opportunity and find your voice.
Here’s the thing, clarity to your POV &/or your value will move your forward right away… combining the two into one statement gives you clarity of mind, message, and purpose and puts you in the driving seat.
On the fence about spending 90mins on yourself?
Think back to the last time you had any of these thoughts...
“I wish I had the confidence to speak up”
“If it was up to me, I’d do it so differently”
“I know I could make a difference, so why the heck am I not speaking up?” or
“I’m new here, why would anyone listen to me or want my thoughts”.
If the “last time” was anytime in 2022, then this masterclass is for you!
Registrations are essential! Click the link to REGISTER NOW